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Iran animation ‘We’ gets nom at Hollywood Screenings filmfest

Hollywood Screenings Film Festival (HSFF)has nominated Iranian animation ‘We’ for the semi-final round of the competition.

Hollywood Screenings Film Festival (HSFF) has nominated Iranian animation ‘We’ for the semi-final round of the competition.

Iranian animated piece ‘We’ by Fatemeh Fadaei Darestani has made it into the semi-finalist section of Hollywood Screenings Film Festival.

Part of this festival runs online while the rest is to go live; and only the finalists will be featured live.

The three-minute animation is about two sisters who are trapped under the debris and are waiting for their father to come and save them.

Fadaei’s ‘We’ has taken part and been awarded at several national and international festivals.

Hollywood Screenings Film Festival (HSFF) is an online and live annual event held in Los Angeles CA where winners get golden handmade trophy/plaque at the award ceremony.

The event is scheduled for 11th of March, 2018, in Santa Monica, California.

